Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mormons are not the same

Mormons are not the same.

     Mormons are not a typical religion. We are very different then many people like. Come to think of it we have more in common with minorities then we think. Have you ever been discriminated because of the color or preference of sexuality? Well take this in kind, Mormons outside are (outside of Utah) a minority in most communities. My dear father has been pushed out of jobs because he is Mormon! Trust me it can happen. That experience has brought me to think and grow upon the similarities of me and other minorities. Now because I may not believe the same as you I still do understand what it is liked to be pushed out of circles and to even have people not want their kids to be around you just because of what you believe.
      For many years living in Utah I have always felt like and outsider, very few people have made me feel like I didn't belong. Even in my own religion i have been excused of a few callings when I have tried to follow the guidelines set in the guide books. Being from California I have been cast aside because I may be more relaxed and let things slide. My conclusion is in Utah there are a lot of Mormons, but only have a few have been converted to the religion. You see growing up doing the motions and not really learning the teachings are taught. Forcing your children (or Bribing) to attend seminary or go on missions will result in a monetary reward. Now when you just follow you do not get the full blessings of what is being taught. Following just because and following because you choose to are too different mindsets.

      I have taken ownership of my beliefs and my family since I was 23 years old. Even though I grew up in the LDS church I was a black sheep of sorts. I questioned everything from my leaders and parents it has led to many of fights and even a period where I was not aloud in the house. I decided to go on a mission at the ripe age of 20 years old. I returned 10 months after I arrived to the MTC. I learned a lot on my mission. It was the hardest and cruelest time in my life. I was shot at, doors slammed in my face, yelled at, even cussed out at. But my life changed along with my families on November 4th 1996. My brother was killed on his way to work. It is not right to see a brother at the age of 23 years old be buried. I grew to more hatred and anger then anytime in my life. My mission president would not allow me to leave, My other younger brother's mission president let him go. So I grew very angry with my Leader and anything to deal with the church. I think that is my animosity toward Utah Mormons. Most members in the church and in the state of Utah, Have a stigma from living here.

    I am no longer angry, I went to my brothers graveside and I was ready to yell and scream at him. I found solace, I found love, I found my Faith.
Thank you  for reading
Mr. Crossrds

Thursday, May 8, 2014

New Life

New Life

      What to write? What do I want to tell someone? Does anyone really read this? I am just a father trying to deal with normal and abnormal things in my and my families life. I try not to lie, I work really hard on being honest and I try to instill this trait into my children. My father is my hero, along with my brother Rod, They are who I look up to outside of my eternal wife and Christ. 
       Did you know I am a racist, A$$hole, and a Mofo? I have been called many things in my 38 years of life. A lot of them came as I drove rigs across this country. I am proud of the man I have become, I carry a LDS temple recommend in my pocket and I AM WORTHY TO USE IT!!!! I am not afraid to talk about my religious beliefs, but I will not push you to convert. Many of our beliefs are common sense and can be found in many things. I believe that God and Jesus Christ lives and even directs the people on this Earth through a Modern day Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. My struggles are in the pain department. I can not tell you when I will feel good and when I will feel terrible, trust me if I could it would make things so much easier. The reason I do not attend weekly church meetings is because of the lights, the times I feel good enough to get 20 minutes of sacrament meeting I go, but if I feel the slightest itching of pain just less embarrassing to stay home. I know that is pride. 
        I was got into a argument with a person saying that my infliction isn't as bad as hers. Well first off i am not going to tell you that what you are going through is anything less then what I am going through. Now I will stand up and say you might know what a migraine is like, but you do not understand my infliction, Each person handles their "rocks" differently. It is said that the Lord only gives you what you can handle. Christ want you to learn so you can return to them in the heavens. I try as a student of Christ and a Teacher for my children to lead a righteous life. I am far from perfect, but I work on it. You know the ladder of perfection has many broken rungs. You will grab one and fall a few rungs down, then you will climb up higher. The thing we need to learn is not to repeat our mistakes. We need to keep our eye to the glory of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. You will be blessed with great prosperity and riches beyond your dreams.
Thank you for reading
Mr. Crossrds

Monday, April 14, 2014

We shall not take Liberty for granted


Just want you to think about the early years of this great Nation.
Read this.
Col. Harry Burwell: This is not a war for the independence of one or two colonies, but for the independence of one nation.
Capt. Wilkins: Tell me, Colonel, what nation is that?
Mr. Howard: An American nation!
Capt. Wilkins: There is no such nation, and to speak of one is treason.
Mr. Howard: We ARE citizens of an American nation! And our rights are being threatened by a tyrant three thousand miles away!
Benjamin Martin: Would you tell me please, Mr. Howard, why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can.
Col. Harry Burwell: Captain Martin, I understood you to be a patriot.
Benjamin Martin: If you mean by patriot, am I angry about taxation without representation, well, yes I am. Should the American colonies govern themselves independently? I believe that they can, and they should. But if you are asking me, am I willing to go to war with England? Well, then the answer is most definitely NO!
Now this is a script from the Patriot. A Movie about the revolutionary war. When the America's were new and King George decided to tax us.
Well this day and age we have Cattle being seized, Taxes being levied on the backs of our Grand children and Great grandchildren. The amount of debt and the vast growing of federal government is out of control. this isn't a liberal, or conservative issue it is the greed of Washington D.C. that has led us to this. It is time to stand and take to your voting booths. we need to send a message, IF YOU DO NOT DO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN HIRED TO DO THEN IT IS TIME TO GO! Stop voting for incumbents, put in some fresh blood. we need to stand up for our children and the generations of children to come. WE NEED TO PRAISE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS. I see a desolate future if we do not return to our worships and praise of the almighty god. repent of our sins and let the Lord hold you up.

My friends I posted this on Facebook. I just wanted to share on here. We need to stand against those that are lawless in charge of the law. It is time to be an OUTLAW
Thank you for reading
Mr. Crossrds

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A letter to my Daughters

A Letter to my Daughters

Dear My little girls
        You are perfect, You are loved by me forever and through all eternity. You are a princess and will become a queen in the Lords Kingdom. Do not settle for less then what you are worth! You are worth a lot! I could never trade you for the coolest slammed Dodge Ram 3500 Dually with a cummins.
        You are a great a wonderful young woman. You are a daughter of God. I was given the blessing of having you as my children. I know one day I will see my brother again and I will return unto the glory of out Lord. You need to remember the little things I taught you. please think of the good things the love I always tried to show you. Please remember the way I loved your Mother. She was my queen and my everything. You deserve no less then that. You are all worth the world and NO MAN SHALL TREAT YOU ANY LESS.
         You are Princesses now but in the future you will become a queen in the Lords time. The Lord loves you and you learn that service is the center of the world. You deserve no less then what the Lord has given your mother, As a matter of fact you deserve more. Your Mother and I never wanted anything less then what we have given you. We would have given you the world if we had the means.
          I will leave you with a saying from my Grandmother Dorthy Wynkoop "keep a smile on your face, that way no one know what the hell you are up to"
          Always remember that I love you, the Lord loves you and we will always be here for you. I love you and will always love you.
I love you
Grady Lundeen.

Monday, March 31, 2014

I am white and Have Rhythm

I am white and Have Rhythm

Now that alone should make for an interesting topic to share. I love music, All kinds from Snoop Dog to Merrill Osmond, From Show tunes To Speed metal. I feel the deep bass in my bones. I do not have a problem crying when a song connects on a deep level. I once wrote the reason I am called Crossrds. It is a PlayStation Network gamer tag. It also is in reference to a song that was released soon around the time of my brothers death. Now I have written of this life changing event. I have spent many years hiding from what I have become I am now the oldest son in our mortal lives. I never asked for that I always enjoyed being unnoticed and skating under the radar. I know no one asked me to replace my brother and it took many years of thinking I was in his shadow and should live as he lived. I found out that is made my mind in turmoil when I would feel I wasn't living up to that expectation. I found out one thing I AM GRADY LUNDEEN AND I ONLY NEED TO BE THE MAN I AM. That is what I found out. I am me and only me can bring joy to my life. So I am working on me. I never cared about rumors about me. I just let them slide, as I have grown up things start to hurt, like when people whisper things like " he doesn't look sick" "He is just lazy" or when someone attacks my religion or church. I AM MORMON. get over it, if you don't like it oh well move on, I have. 
I do not care of offending people. I am me, the Lord has given me my trails and from those I have become who I am. I have a heart and willing to serve everyone. I will respect you if you respect me. So how do I have Rhythm. Rhythm is all things as is love.
thanks for reading 
Mr. Crossrds

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Understanding Misconception

When you read the title what did you think? Maybe the common Mormon one, That we have a plethora of wives? Well it isn't even along those lines. Today I am writing about the common misconception of people on assistance and disabled.  I am both and by looking at me you can not tell. By the time I am well enough to go out in public I had rested for days to get to that point.
About 5 Years ago my wife and I made a decision, That she would go to school and get a degree that will provide for us a good comfortable life. She went back to school starting from scratch, She decided on a career that will do that, A Nurse. Plain and simple we would need government so we applied for Food stamps and medicaid. Those were the only ones we felt we would need. The rest assistance would come from our church and family. That is all the assistance we have been on since I have got sick.
Now the misconception is that "if you are on assistance you are LAZY" I am not, I started to work when I was old enough to hold a broom. I worked as much as I could. whether going to school and working. I did not ask for the health problems I have, nor do I wish them on anyone. This is my rocks to bear with the Lord Jesus Christ helping me. Our little family is almost done with our plan. My wife is almost done with school, May 2015 she will be done and ready to enter the workforce. 
We will be off of assistance. So next time you want to post a remark about someone on assistance think about what you are doing. The people that get the most news are those abusing the system, But not everyone is that way.
So before you post please think. I am not the only one going through this, my sister and her husband are just starting to begin their journey. There is always hope as to return to the workforce, but when you need the help it is there. I love you sister. Please keep your heart to the glory of God and you will be able to hold your head high. Love you
Thank you for reading
Mr. Crossrds

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This is How WE do it!

This is How WE do it!

           Do you remember the song from 1996? Let's see I was in Sheridan Wyoming and Detroit Lakes Minnesota serving my mission. So I missed a lot of the music during that time. I served with vigor until November 4th. That day I fell apart. I suffered through things and did not want to serve. I was being obedient to the mission president. I stayed, but it was destructive to myself. I destroyed my spirituality in a matter of 2 months. I returned home on Jan. 14th 1997 I was not in the right place I wanted to hide. Everywhere I looked I saw all my mistakes I have made. I saw a brother I could never hold. I saw parents that couldn't look at me. I left a month later to Utah. I wanted to fill a hole in my heart. I tried to find that with an eternal companion. I struggled to even go to church. I was still angry! 
            In 1998 I met my wife. By then my heart had softened enough to love. I still had a dark hole. I still felt as an outsider. We moved to California, in 2000 with a newborn in tow. I felt comfortable, loved it, but my wife was miserable. She could not get used to the heat or living in California. So soon after my Grandmother passed (brought up everything I was hiding). We moved to West Jordan, Utah. There my wife was happy, but I was still searching. I could not find an anchor there, I had no "blood" family there. We lived for a bit with in-laws and then moved to an apartment we could afford in Downtown SLC. Shortly after that I was laid-off. I found a new job in Cedar City, Utah. It was a forklift job I was great at it, but didn't last long. I even work the graveyard shift at a gas station, Crap job by every means. Then I met a man that wold change my life. He took me out in his rig and taught me how to drive the "large Cars'. In 2004 I got my CDL I could drive the rigs. Shortly after we moved to SLC area again, it was closer to terminal so I could see my family more and more. 
          So a little history to come to this point. I have filled my hole. I have found that my hole was nothing more then not listening to my Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. I reaffirm to you as you read this my love in Christ. 
Thank you for reading 
Mr. Crossrds